The requested features of the papers are as follows:

The papers must be submitted in word format. Their size must not be under 40,000 characters (spaces included) and not exceed 60,000 characters (spaces included). We plan to publish at least 5 maximum 7 articles per number.

The font must be Times New Roman. The normal text must be 12 sized, the long quotations 11, the footnotes 10. The space between the lines must be 1.5. The first line of the paragraphs must start at 0.3.

The papers must include:

– The name of the author, her/his mail address, her/his professional affiliation, her/his ORCID iD number, her/his telephone number, a 7-8 lines summary and 3-4 keywords. Naturally the papers will be forwarded to the referees without the personal data.

– The papers must not include a separate final bibliography. A short survey of the literature concerning the topic can be included in the main text and/or in the first footnote and/or along the following footnotes.

– The authors should be consistent in their use of capitalization and use it for the main elements of the name of an institution: Ottoman Empire, Ministry of the Foreign Affairs, United Nations… but minister of the Foreign Affairs, the situation of the empire etc.

– The titles of quoted works must be in italics, the title of periodicals must be in high brackets. Words and phrases still felt as foreign words in English, as well as titles in other languages should be, both in main text and footnotes, in italics and followed with translation in square parentheses. Transliterations from other alphabets should be provided according to the rules of international transliteration.

– Illustrations, tables, maps and figures must be numbered consecutively in the text and captions identifying the source of any image or data should be used. The title of the figures should be below the picture; the title of the tables, above the table.


Fabio L. Grassi, L’Italia e la Questione Turca 1919-1923. Opinione pubblica e politica estera, [Italy and the Turkish Question 1919-1923. Public opinion and foreign policy], Torino Zamorani, 1996, pp. 50-52.

Giuseppe Motta, Giustizia, Affari Interni e Immigrazione in Bulgaria nel Processo di Integrazione, [Justice, internal affairs and immigration in Bulgaria during the integration process], in Fabio L. Grassi / Roberto Sciarrone (eds.), I Bulgari e la Bulgaria in Europa [The Bulgars and Bulgary in Europe], Roma, Aracne, 2014, p. 140.

Fabio L. Grassi, La Turchia nella Politica Francese e Italiana tra le due Guerre [Turkey in the French and Italian policy between the two World Wars], in “Transylvanian Review”, vol. XV, N. 1, Spring 2006, p. 134.

After the first mention, a work must be mentioned as follows:

Motta, Giustizia…, p. 142.

It is advisable to concentrate as far as possible the remarks on a topic in a single footnote at the end of a paragraph. For any additional details, please contact the editor-in-chief and/or the co-editors at [email protected][email protected] and [email protected].